Is your brand not working? Check to see if you suffer from one of these 3 big no nos!
– If you are the face (main presence) of your business, you have a personal brand. The sooner you realize that and stop hiding behind your product or service the sooner you can control the narrative. The last thing we want is people making assumptions about our brands & businesses (good or bad). Start by evaluating your media presence. Are you even there? Adding yourself into the narrative isn’t a bad thing and it will help your audience connect on a deeper level.
– Do you have different profile pictures on all of your social accounts? Do you have consistent brand colors and fonts? Can someone look at your web presence in one place and then again in another and recognize it’s the same? Sometimes we think it’s better to show diversity, but when it comes to branding consistency is king. It takes multiple encounters (like 20) before a brand even sticks in someone’s head. We want to make it as easy as possible. So make sure everything is branded the same way to instill that trust with your audience.
– Look I’m a classic DIYer. Why pay all that money when you can do it yourself? Am I right? But when it comes to my brand there are certain things that only a professional can do. I.e logo & website design, professional brand photos or headshots. These things will be costly upfront but in the end they’re going to help drive your sales and build your credibility.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being myself on here and hanging out sans makeup. But there is a time a place for it and there is still a level of professionalism I try to maintain. So stop using the cell phone selfie as your website photo and invest in some high quality images. ✌🏻
Ready to get serious about your personal brand? Click here to set up your free discovery call!
Check out these other helpful resources:
15 Ways your Headshot can be your Secret Weapon
Authenticity, the Key to Success for Personal Brands
A Guide to Peaceful Branding and Marketing
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