Personal brand photography is the new trendy kid on the block when it comes to elevating your business. Some may think it’s a passing fad, or just a fancy way of saying headshots, but I’m here to tell you personal branding photography is here to stay and it’s one of the best ways to level up your brand and bring your favorite people straight to your inbox.
Have you ever spent hours on end searching for the perfect stock images to match your brand? Maybe you spend that time using your cell phone to create the perfect shot. Either way, that time could be better spent working on your business rather than creating/finding imagery. A personal brand session will give you a full gallery stuffed full of photo goodness. But not just your average photos either, they will be custom tailored to you and your brand. Colors, products, concepts, all of them will be mapped out and planned ahead of time ensuring your photo session will be more than just a few nice headshots but a well-oiled photo-making machine that will ultimately bring you more clients!
Girl, I see you. You’ve been working SO HARD on this beautiful business of yours. It’s time to celebrate how far you’ve come and where you are going. You’ll not only get gorgeous photographs of yourself that you’ll be proud to show off to the world. You’ll also gain the confidence that you can do this thing and do it with style!
Being the face of your business is essential but what is your special sauce? Is it the way you create? Is it your excellent customer service? Is it the amazing client experience you deliver? These aspects of your business can be photographed and shared to help you stand out as an expert in your market.
Becoming an authority in your chosen profession takes more than the knowledge and expertise that you’ve gained through hard work & education. It takes showing up consistently and with purpose. This gives you visibility. Personal brand photography gives you the consistency and quality necessary to not just be seen, but known, as the go-to authority for your profession.
There’s a saying “people buy from people.” But it goes even further than that, people buy from people they know, like, and trust. It’s hard for people to know, like, and trust you if you never show your face or share what you’re passionate about. All of this becomes infinitely easier when you have a curated gallery of photographs showing who you are and what you care about. Sharing grows your connection with your current & potential customers allowing you to serve them in the best possible way.
I know a lot of us are in this because we LOVE it. However, the reality is that it takes money to do this thing we love and to do it well. Statistically, brands with professional photography sell better. When scrolling through Amazon, do you stop because of the description or is it because of the photos? What if you had a whole gallery of scroll-stopping imagery for YOUR business? Imagine what you could do and how those photos could impact your sales!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008