Meet my new North Carolina besties, Ariana and Brian! If you follow me in Facebook or Instagram, then you’ve probably see me take numerous selfies with this amazing duo! We’re birds of a Silver Feather! 😉 I just couldn’t resist! The pun was too easy! These guys are the brains, beauty, talent, and just all around awesome behind Silver Feather Studios!
We instantly bonded the first time we met almost a year ago at an end of the season photo party…yes we have those. It wasn’t long before we realized that we all shared some pretty serious geeky addictions (i.e. Dr. Who, Sherlock, Firefly, Divergent, The Hunger Games, and the list goes on and on)! Since then, our friendship has grown as we had our Geeksboro dates with Sherlock, business chats at Crafted, and now Silver Feather have invited me to shoot video with them on some of their weddings! It’s been pretty spectacular working with an amazing team like Ariana and Brian! I am so ridiculously grateful for their friendship and I can’t wait to see where our businesses go now that Ariana is MOVING INTO THE STUDIO! WOOHOO! That’s right, you know what that means, GEEK OVERLOAD ALL THE TIME! *Let the dance party commence!*
Our overall vision is to one day all have a studio space together, can you imagine the awesome that will explode from that space? It’s almost scary!…Almost.
So getting to shoot their new promo pictures for their website was just the icing on the cake. You mean I get to hang out with you more, at geeky location, AND take pictures? Oh twist my arm!
*Sigh* What a perfect day with friends!
Nothing says love like Dr. Who & video games!
That moment when you die in a video game!
Batman approves of this cuteness!
This is Ariana and Brian in a nutshell. I just love this photo!
You guys are just hot, SO HAWT!
Social media swagger!
Work it Tyra! Show me dem smiez!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Awesomesauce Mabyn!!! 😉 These pics are sooooooo FABULOUS!!! I love Batman giving his approval….
and how fun that Ariana is moving into your studio too??!?!?!!!!!!! I’m jealous. It’s been too long, I need to come hang out soon lol 🙂
Oh Mabyn. MABYN!! You are amazing and wonderful and geeky and awesome and we are so glad that we met you AND that we asked you to take our photos! You captured exactly who we are and I’m going to put these photos everywhere – our website/blog, our home and ALL OVER OUR OFFICE!!! Thank you thank you thank you for being so unbelievably amazing!! Xoxoxo
Gleaming with delight…their core has been captured in these shots! So excellent!
Wonderful pics! Much success to you all!
Great pictures
Great pictures!!
awesome pictures, and a really cute couple