Guys, you know it’s bad when I’ve waited this long to blog some of these sessions. Ang & Chad’s super sweet engagement happened over the summer and I’m just now blogging it…#TheStruggleIsReal
Ang & Chad have such a cool story. They met while they were both vacationing in Florida, Chad is originally from Upstate NY & Ang is from Canada. They both fly back and forth visiting each other when they can and plan on having a Winnipeg wedding next winter! How on earth did they shoot their engagement session in Greensboro, NC you ask? Well that itself is a crazy small world story. Note that Chad is originally from Upstate NY, but he now resides in Greensboro. When Ang & Chad decided on Greensboro as their engagement session location, Chad started the photographer research. He didn’t look far, because when he saw my phone number on google he immediately called me. Why? Because my area code was the same as his was back in Upstate NY! No looking at my website, no vetting other photographers, he called me and chatted me up for about 30 minutes. As we talked, we discovered that we actually knew a lot of the same people and grew up only a few towns away from each other. How crazy is that? After that Chad was decided, but he had to get Ang on board. Luckily that didn’t take much and a few weeks later I got to spend an afternoon hanging out with this fantastic couple!
Since they both travel so often to see each other, we thought it might be fun to start out at the airport, who knew you could take pictures at the airport?! So cool! We then ventured back to Cre8 because Ang & Chad love the outdoors and are avid hunters. One of my favorite parts of last summer were the epic thunderstorms we got. It made for some epic clouds and the rain started juuuuuuuust as we were finishing the session. Perfect timing!
It was so much fun getting to spend an afternoon with these two and I love how something as little as an area code brought us together! I know that their Winnipeg winter wedding is going to be amazing and I pray many blessings over their new adventure together!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008