One of the ways that you can tell you’re supposed to be a photographer is when you’re having a “Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” and then you go to a Photoshoot and your demeanor completely changes! I mean seriously, It’s like Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! I go from gumpies to happies in 2.3 seconds flat! Just ask Tim, he puts up with SO much! I couldn’t have asked for a better shooting buddy!
So I had one of those days right before Jen & Tony’s Esesh. I admit this only because if you asked Jen & Tony if I was in a bad mood, they’d wonder what you were talking about! I was my dorky spastic self almost immediately upon arriving at the beautiful Oneida lake front property! Luckily my clients are the best EVER and they joined right into my wackiness (as you can see in the pictures)! I nabbed one of my fave engagement shots ever that night too. The black and white shot of them sitting down on the pier. It looks like it could go on forever! I’m thinking a 16×20 canvas of that shot is necessary for my wall! We had a wonderful time together and I cannot wait until their wedding! It’s getting SO CLOSE! Woohoo!
mmmm engulfed by light! SO SWEET!
Torch Fight! WAAH!
Jen lost! ;o)
Oh No! Don’t fall off the ledge! Jen falls with style!
This is the shot I was talking about. Wall canvas here we come! YUM!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008