God always has a way of working things to His perfect timing, I love how it all comes full circle sometimes. Jessica and Ray are a perfect example! Jessica is also from upstate NY and knew of me and followed my work. This was when I was still working for another company. Right around the time I started my own business, Jessica moved to Raleigh for a change of scenery. Fast forward 4ish years when she met Ray, another New Yorker…only he hails from Brooklyn. They were the perfect match & proceeded to make wedding plans. So when it came time to find a photographer, Jessica was skeptical of finding someone she liked as much as me (she knows how to make me blush! 😉 xoxoxoxo ). She hopped onto the wedding network sites and started digging through photographers when low and behold who did she stumble upon, but lil’ old ME! She contacted me immediately and we started chatting about all of her plans. Talk about fate right?
We finally were able to find a day that wasn’t dreary and cold to do their You + Me session. I ventured down to Raleigh to discover the Neuse River Greenway Trail. It was full of gorgeous scenery and silly moments. We all know how I live for those! I barely had to pose those two! It’s easy when two people are so in love, it just radiates from within! Obviously we had a pretty fantastic time and it got me all sorts of excited for their wedding day, which by the way was AMAZING! Uhhhh yeah wait for that one guys, it’s gonna be STELLAR! I’m seriously having flashbacks to their reception food….I’m a foodie and I make NO apologies. 😉
P.S. Jessica made that adorable little quilt you see in some of the pictures. She’s super talented! She & my momma would have A LOT to talk about! 🙂
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Love them!!!
So happy for you, Jess!!