William and Kate…Where do I start? Your royal wedding was breath taking, thank you so much for allowing me to shoot your special day…Oh wait…that wasn’t me! 😛
Acutally, I’m glad I didn’t shoot the royal wedding, you know why?! Because my clients are WAY better than the royal family…just sayin’!
Here is a perfect example, Jessy & Evan! They found me through a friend of a friend and then we found out we have a BAZILLION friends in common. So of course we got along like gang-busters! We bashed around Skaneateles like WE owned the place and we have some amazing pictures to prove it! These two are so full of life and joy! I didn’t want to stop! Thanks Jessy & Evan! I can’t wait to shoot your EPIC 11/11/11 wedding!
We got a spectacular spring day!
Mr. & Mrs. Duck give their approval
One of my fave shots from the day
Love! Love! Love! Love!
2 more faves of the day! The Forsythia made me very happy
The Sweetwater cafe had some great light! mmmmmm.
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008