I apologize for last week’s absent edition. I unfortunately was sick AGAIN! 😡 It’s apparently a never ending battle when you work with small children at a daycare. Let’s hope I’m out of the woods for awhile. I don’t think I can handle getting sick again, not when I have so much to do!
Anywho, lets get on to the good stuff!
So it’s been two weeks since I last updated and several awesome things have happened since then;
I’ve managed to meet with some amazing couples who in turn have booked me for their weddings! I am so excited for this wedding season I could literally get up and start dancing. Every one of my brides are beautiful inside and out! I can’t wait to share their stories with you!
I also had the opportunity to meet a new baby named Gabrielle, I’ll share her story with you very soon!
My gallery show went off with out a hitch and I was overwhelmed by the comments and conversations I had with people I hadn’t met before. It was beautiful to know that my work moved them. I heard stories of people crying when they saw certain images and how other images reminded them of how precious life is. Wow! God really speaks through everyone and everything! I was truly humbled and grateful for everyones attendance and help!
Images courtesy of Miss Donna!
The cutest little boy in my world turned 1 on the 21st! How time flies away! He’s already walking and talking and shoving cake into his cute little mouth! Ah!
Donna and I are in apartment hunter mode. We’ve got to lock down a place soon or we wont have a place to live come July 1st! Anyone got a sweet 2 or 3 bedroom for cheap located near Donna’s workplace? That’s not much to ask is it? 😛
I have some good bloggage coming your way this week so keep your eyes peeled! Or not…that may hurt a bit….
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008