Sometimes things happen for a reason. Haleigh & Brent were all ready to book a photographer when they received notice that that photographer was no longer available. It can be a super let down. I know personally how hard it is for me to send that email. I seriously just want to clone myself so I never have to turn someone away. However, just because I’m booked or your first choice is booked doesn’t mean you wont get the pictures of your dreams! This is not a story of woe and sadness this is a story of the “perfect match.”
Haleigh didn’t let this bump in the road get her down, she started diligently searching the interwebz again for the perfect photographer. When the heavens opened up and she landed upon my little website (insert choir of angels here). 😉
Okay, maybe there wasn’t a choir of fat little cherubs descending from above, but there WAS an instant connection! She contacted me, set up a meeting, and the rest, as they say, is history!
We opted to do their You + Me session in Mebane, NC at the farm that belongs to Haleigh’s family. It’s full of fun places to explore and shoot! They even brought along their ADORABLE puppies! We then decided to spend sunset in downtown Mebane getting some of those cool skylines. Last second I FINALLY found a reflective surface! The perfect little puddle to make this artsy fartsy girl happy! The best part though was getting to hear story after story from Brent & Haleigh and getting to see how deeply in love they are!
I cannot wait till November when we get to do it all over again at their gorgeous downtown Greensboro wedding! It’s going to be incredible!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008