One of the best things about being a wedding photographer is meeting all sorts of people. As i’ve mentioned before, each couple has their own story. How they met, why their getting married where they do, how they proposed…
I wanted to share with you Michelle & Scott’s proposal story, mainly because it’s so amazing that it’ll make any girls heart melt!
Scott contacted me about a month ahead of time and gave me some of the details of his plan. He was going to propose to his girlfriend (Michelle) Memorial Day weekend and was hoping I could do some engagement photos for them around the same time. I had some time free on Memorial Day and so we set aside time to do their You + Me Session. What I didn’t know at the time was that Scott had planned a throughly romantic weekend trip (they live in NYC) for Michelle complete with a cute little bed & breakfast in their favorite town, dinners at their favorite places, and last and most importantly his heart felt proposal at the place they first met. Syracuse University.
Everyone’s all oooey gooey at this point right? Well it gets better! Not only did Scott propose to Michelle on campus, but he had a brick donated to the campus with the words “Scott & Michelle engaged May 27th 2011, Let’s Go Orange!” He brought Michelle to the exact spot where the brick had been laid & got down on one knee and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him. Obviously she was over joyed and said “YES!” Otherwise I wouldn’t be writing these words! 😉 Scott, you get mad points for your romantic & creative proposal!
So they spent the weekend doing all of the things they loved and then ended it with me! We spent several hours visiting a lot of those places & documenting their love. Michelle had the most beautiful smile on her face the whole time. I don’t think she could have been serious if I’d ask! She was glowing and every time she looked at Scott you could just see the love emanating from her.
Thank you Michelle & Scott for allowing me to capture your love! It was such a pleasure!
We started in Skaneateles by the Lake
Michelle lifted her foot without me asking! Perfect!
Aren’t the ridiculously cute?!
Here’s the famous brick! Way to go Scott!
The magic of camera angles…theres a large blue crane in the background, can you see it? I can’t! WOOT!
Obviously by the brick, they’re HUGE S.U. basketball fans. So we had to do some Dome shots with their shirts!
I LOVE Michelle’s smile!
Their favorite gate!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008