One of the most controversial topics about your wedding photography process is the engagement session. You & your fiance may have multiple discussions as to whether or not to book one. I mean really, what is the point of it? Do you really need MORE pictures of you two together as a couple? The answer is YES, but not for the reasons you might think. So, what is an engagement session really about if it’s not about the pictures? Here are the top 5 reasons you should do an engagement session:
#5 – Usefulness – Let’s start with an obvious one. If you have more photos ahead of time, you can incorporate them into your wedding day/process. Save the dates are extremely popular and they’re even more special when they have a professional photo added to them. Just be sure to schedule your session at least 6 – 8 months in advance so you have ample time to get them out to family & friends. Another great use is at your reception. A lot of my clients love to display them for the world to see printed in all sorts of ways! It’s a great little touch of personality on your big day!
#4 No pressure! – Think about it. On your wedding day you’re going to be surrounded by a ton of people from the moment you open your eyes. When it comes time for photos, your family, bridal party, & wedding coordinator will be breathing down your neck to keep things “on time.” Even if you’ve planned hours for photos, there’s still always that pressure of it being your wedding day, no getting around it! An engagement session should allow you the freedom to be yourself with no added pressures. They should be at a relaxed pace and full of moments where you can just be together. It’s amazing what a couple of hours of gazing into each others eyes, cracking each other up, & spending quality time together does for the soul!
#3 Learn how to pose – “But, I don’t know what to do with my hands!” “I always look super stiff when it comes to photos.” “Posing is SO AWKWARD! I feel like I’m at Olan Mills!” Ok, those are all valid fears. How many times has a camera been pointed in your face and you completely blank on what to do, or make a goofy face as a default? I know I’m guilty of that…ALL THE TIME! However, I would much rather be posed and look AMAZING than be left up to my own ridiculous devices. A skilled photographer will know how to pose you so you look natural and your best. The magic really happens when the pose allows for a moment to happen. Then ZING! Gorgeous photo!
#2 Get to know your photographer! – Having a relationship with your photographer may not seem like an important point right now, but there are a few things you should consider before you disregard this idea. #1: Your photographer potentially will be the only vendor with you all day long. Do you really want a stranger following you around & snapping away? I’m irritated just at the thought of it! #2: The more comfortable you are with your photographer, the more comfortable your photographs turn out. #3: If all goes well on your engagement session then you KNOW it will go well on the big day. There is an extra peace of mind that comes with trusting your photographer that they’ve got it all under control. #4: Make a new friend! I have many on going friendships with my clients. They’re wonderful people and I’m so lucky to know them! This of course is my favorite point!
4 of my couples at 1 wedding! How awesome!
#1 timeless photographs – Some of my favorite photographs of my parents are those candid moments before they were married. I wish I could show you the one they have framed in their bedroom. It’s the sweetest image during their college days, they’re just so IN LOVE! It’s been my reminder of why engagement sessions are so important. That image of my parents is timeless. It isn’t dated by my moms homemade wedding dress or my dad’s snazzy white dinner jacket. It’s just beautiful. I believe everyone should have timeless images of their love without the clutter of the wedding day.
Hopefully now you have a different perspective on what an engagement session is all about. Now that you’re convinced, 😉 the next question is “How do we plan and dress for our engagement session?” Look for that post sometime next week!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Another reason: They are so much fun! We had a blast doing our engagement shoot with Mabyn!
I’m sharing this with all my couples! So many good reasons!