It’s not every day that you wake up and find yourself in a top list of photographers whom your peers and you hold in the highest of regard. Especially when you haven’t even asked to be part of the website or said list. It’s quite the unexpected honor! took it upon themselves to rate wedding photographers in cities all over the country.They researched over 400 photographers in Greensboro, NC alone!
To make the list each photographer had to excel in 6 separate categories to even be considered for the list. Then they narrowed it down to 25 of the best in these categories.
To stand next to 25 wedding photographers all whom I respect deeply is so incredible to me and it has given me the push to keep excelling in these areas of business. I don’t think any of you will ever know how badly I needed this reminder in the midst of all the chaos that has happened in these few short months.
So here is my Oscar speech and HUGE thank you to anyone who has ever invest in Mabyn Ludke Photography. This little list means the world to me and so do my clients. I promise to continue pushing towards excellence in your experience with me and I hope you keep me accountable to that.
Thank you!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Congrats! That is really awesome, and I think bragging is totally okay in this case 🙂