Daniel and I visited San Francisco for a hot second to shoot Allie & Matt’s gorgeous wedding! That’s coming along the blogosphere soon! YAY! Of course while we were there we had to squeeze in a tiny bit of adventuring and when I was last in San Francisco I didn’t get to spend too much time with the Golden Gate Bridge. So I scoped out the spot to go for the best bridge pictures. It took a bit to find the place with all of the traffic and the tiny entrance, but we finally made it to Vista Point. I was so excited until I saw the hundreds of people crawling all over taking selfies. Both of us were a little bummed, but we managed to find parking and wiggle into a spot on the wall to take our own selfie…except the light sucked! It was harsh and in our eyes. They turned out okay, but I wasn’t very satisfied.
After our 30 minutes (5 of that taking pictures) at the Vista Point we decided to head into the city for dinner. Once we got over the bridge we noticed another little park that seemed to be a lot less crowded. We easily found parking and WAY better lighting. Thanks to Fort Whitmore I was able to get the bridge photos I was hoping for!
Sometimes adventuring means taking a chance and trying something else when the first attempt doesn’t work. I’m so glad we did!
Vista Point – squinty eyes and sunglasses…
We’re still cute, even if the light is harsh.
This is what the point really looked like…
And here we are at Fort Whitmore. Vastly improved views and lighting!
I stuck the camera on a fallen log in the weeds for these shots. Yay for timers and pretty weeds!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008