I’m finally in a mental space where I can think about the future and what it holds now that I have a husband!
Can we all just rejoice in that for a moment? I have a husband…a wonderful, sweet, kind, goofy, geeky, comfortable, lovable, squeezable, God loving husband and I’m just head over heels for him! Okay, now that I’ve made all of you throw up in your mouth a little bit, we can move on. With everything had taken place in 2015, I really hadn’t had a chance to rejoice and do my happy dance. So there you go. 😉
As I reflect on 2015…(heck even 2013 & 2014) I feel like my life was just a hot mess. Full of chaos and a lot of fears. For the last 3 years, I’ve began each feeling dissatisfied with the last. I always start out with strong intentions and then I throw everything to the wind and just let things come as they may.
This year I want to take my goal planning to a different level. Typically I make goals and then just go at them hoping I’ll just achieve them. Rarely have I made an action plan to achieving my goals. So this year I’ve employed the help of several fantastic bloggers and mavens in the industry, found resources to read (list is posted below), and I’ve started to plan SMART goals for 2016. I’m not done yet as I have a couple other resources that I have to finish reading, so 2016 goal planning will probably go through February.
I got THIS PLANNER at Our Photog Blog by Kylee Ann – It’s fantastic! I love feeling organized!
SMART Goal Setting By Heart.Love.Always. – The amazing blog that got me really thinking!
Make it Happen By Lara Casey – Coming in this week! I can’t wait to read it!
The Modern Tog I LOVE her newsletter and I got a fantastic goal planner (shown at the beginning of this post) I can’t wait to dig my teeth into this one once I get more of my financials together.
Here’s the kicker tho, I want to be more satisfied with how I approach my life without “striving for perfection.” I want to embrace that my life is going to be messy, because it’s a indicator of a life well lived.
For whatever reason we’re drawn to “perfect pictures.” Instagram & Facebook are full of these posed pictures of “life.” I’m just as guilty as anyone. I’ll play the game for the sake of business, but I wont play the game when it comes to my life. So I’ve gone ahead and made some statements in preparation for my 2016 goal planning:
I want my life to be messy because that means I’m pouring my time into others and experiences rather than striving for perfection. It means I’m living a real life!
So here’s to another year of being a hot mess…but maybe a more satisfied mess.
P.S. Speaking of cleaning up messes, here’s a before and after of the office space. It’s finally looking as it should!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
I am bound and determined to be more mindful this year myself. turning 49 in a month, and it has really made me stop and think. I truly love to write poetry, and I so long to be able to share it. I will find a way somehow this year. That is the promise I am making to myself. Maybe I need to make myself an organized space like yours. Looks good. Congratulations on your wedding. You two make a cute couple.
Doug and I have been married 16 years now. Best decision I ever made. The fact that he puts up with my hot mess every day is very comforting to me.
So if we can do it, you crazy kids will do just fine.
Thanks Stacey! Yes! Go after your love and share your poetry! I think that’s a great idea! <3
I’m happy dancing with you!! the office looks so good. Also, i totally went to ikea and bought the exact same rolling cart to put next to my desk lol!! So stop copying me! 😛 This is going to be an amazing year for you, i know it!
Haha! Aren’t you so proud of my organizational growth? 😉 I even have a “to blog list” in my organizer and prompts every day! 2016 is the year of the boss lady and getting it together!
Can I just say… ADORABLE?! You two are simply adorable. I miss your face in ny but I’m thrilled where life has taken you! You deserve it all! Go kick 2016 in the tail!!
Hurray and congrats! I’m setting goals a little differently this year, both for my business and my home/personal life. One thing that is making a difference is doing Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map – GAME changer!
I am doing the same thing…I want to show more real life, behind the scenes type of shots as well!
– Marie
I so know what you mean about having hopes and then throwing it to the wind when lives gets to feeling wild. And I too have started out my year strong with a new planner and gran plans to live more free. Here’s to a fresh start together in a similar boat!
So glad to see you took control and made a plan. And it’s a great confidence booster making progress on your plan. I’m already starting to see progress on my goals after having checked off some steps in my plan. After all a goal without a plan is just a dream! 🙂
I hope 2016 is amazing for the both of us!
We LOVE your goals. Those are pretty much the exact goals we started in 2014 and have stuck to since. It has made a huge difference in our lives! Sometimes, it’s more important to let yourself off the hook when you’ve made a disastrous mess in the office in favor of spending time having a glass of wine with a friend you haven’t seen in awhile or even just a nice, normal, everyday dinner with your husband where you don’t even care that you’re living in organized chaos in your work space. It’ll be ok to let it go for a day. You’ll clean it up! 🙂