Daniel and I have been in our home for a little over a month now. We’ve managed to unpack most of our boxes, but we definitly under estimated how long this whole “setting our house up to be a home” was going to take. Our goal was to have a house warming the weekend of our anniversary which also happens to be Halloween weekend. Alas, that has now come and gone, life has gotten busy again, and we’re really just scratching the surface.
My other plan was to make one big blog post about our entire house being setup...*Cue studio laughter here*….another unrealistic goal me-thinks! However we have made headway on at least ONE room! PRAISE THE LORD! Our dining area will also double as our meeting space for clients so we wanted to get this one done ASAP! It’s the first room when you enter the house too, so it helps us get off on the right foot.
So here is the first of many installments of making our house a home!
This is what the room looked like when we first moved in. Notice the tape outline of our lovely murdered dining room table…very classy.
And here we are today! A lot cozier and all decked out for fall! WEEEEE!
The FIRST thing we did in that room was get rid of that light…they’re everywhere in our house and remind us too much of a female body part. Slowly but surely we’ll remove all of them!
We added shelving to the back wall so we can easily slip wedding gallery canvases onto it when we have clients over for consults or premieres. We found this amazing calligraphy sign by Chicka-Jen’s Sign Co. a local sign maker & the old window at one of our favorite shops in downtown Mooresville. It’s called Lost & Found Vintage Mall, we just LOVE going there and scoping out the latest finds. It’s full of antiques and re purposed furniture.
And it wouldn’t be Mabaniel if there wasn’t something just a little quirky….
A little piece of home from my bestie Emily.
I ended up finding a lot of our home decor at Hobby Lobby. All of the leaves & the giant mason jar of apples were great Hobby Lobby finds. I LOVE their 50% off deals! But I also found some great little finds at Big Lots, T-JMax, & Michales.
This pattern you’ll see repeated throughout the house.
Shout out to my Pops for making this AMAZING bookshelf for me years ago. It’s served us well!
If Daniel & I had all the money in the world we’d spend it at Anthropologie and World Market for our home. These chairs are from World Market and I still drool over them from time to time.
So we’re using the room for both business & personal. Here’s a little touch of our geekiness at the ready. Board games & books!
Kirklands just opened up in Mooresville and I think we’re smitten. We found this great table for a great price, just another element of interest. Gotta find something to go above & underneath tho, not a fan of that power outlet showing.
We haven’t spent too much time here, but the very first thing I did when we got the keys was to find an autumn wreath for our door. It immediately made it feel like home!
We have a little patio set on our front porch. It’ll be a great place for us to watch the world go by as well as put festive decor. My goal is to refinish the table, but for now a table cloth will do. Still slightly summery tho…gotta refinish it soon. Also that pumpkin was our first house warming gift when we moved into our apartment last year. It’s the PERFECT accent!
And then there are my photo assistants. They sure made this photo shoot easy…especially when I had to open the door to get more light. They are NOT outdoor cats. Too busy of a street for them. Hence my makeshift kitty gate for the door.
So there are still somethings Daniel and I are planning to do. Painting will be a big deal when we finally have the $$, however for now we’re very happy with a fun little room! Stay tuned in the next year for more updates at the Chateau Mabaniel!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
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