“Mabyn, you’ve got too much personality to NOT put it out there! Your website should have more YOU!” – Ariana Watts
Thank you Ariana for helping me sift through the crazy that goes on in this noggin of mine! The end result is this beautiful new website and I LOVE it! I’m grateful I have a friend like you who pushes me to go further in everything I do!
However, putting myself out there has been haaaaaaard! *insert whiney Mabyn voice here* I have this inner battle going on inside my brain. Part of me loves that idea of just writing about whatever, whenever. Then I revert back to my musical theatre audition training:
1 – Present yourself in the best light – be poised, collected, and always smile!
2 – Don’t let them see you sweat – if you screw up keep going, they’ll never notice!
3 – Emote, but don’t over do it – be subtle unless the character calls for it.
I’ve applied these rules to my business too. “Photography Mabyn” is “Professional Mabyn.” So a lot of the time I feel weird putting a lot of personal or silly sutffs out there. Besides, that’s what my Youtube channel has been for!
On the other hand, with the redesign & restructuring of my website I feel like this may be the perfect opportunity to dig a little deeper and give you insight into the weird world that is Mabyn. I started the”Photographer’s Journey” series to do just that, but i’m not sure that it’s the correct title. It may change, I can be fickle…(SEE! You’re already learning!)
I say all of this to let you know that there is going to be a lot more content outside of photography coming to this website. I’ve struggled for a long time with posting about my other passions (i.e. Coffee, Geek life, Youtube, & dōTERRA). Every now and then I would post something, but I think it’s time to post something weekly! Starting today, every Monday there will a new personal post!
This weekly series needs a new catchy title! A Photographer’s Journey & Mabyn Monday’s just seems a little too...”barf,” if you know what I mean. So, I’m going to let this challenge run the week and see what people come up with. Comment below on what you think I should name this new personal series and the winner will not only get the honor of seeing their title displayed on my website for who knows how long, but a fun little prize from yours truly! You have until Sunday at midnight to submit as many ideas as you would like. I’ll reveal the winner next Monday!
Until then, here’s a gif of Roomba Cat to tide you over..
You’re welcome.
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
The Rant
Mabyn’s Ravings
Maybs Ravs
The Ravings of a Mad Woman
“Simply Mabyn” or just “Mabyn”! What a fun, pretty-sounding/looking and unique name in and of itself! 🙂
I love this!! Here are my ramblings!
mabyn’s lens or ludke’s lens (for alliteration fans)
light by ludke
making light
mabyn’s flash
mabyn’s light
mabyn’s snap thoughts (play on snap shots?)
snap thoughts by mabyn
in the key of mabyn
mabyn’s mirror
the making of mabyn
as seen by mabyn
made by mabyn
modern mabyn
moments by mabyn
most of mabyn
behind the light
spark starter
spark (sponsored by mabyn)
my name is mabyn
how to be a mabyn
In Focus by Mabyn
My Crazy Life
Mabyn’s Madness
“A Day in the Life of Mabyn”
“Mabyn’s Call”
“The Motivations of Mabyn” or “Mabyn’s Motivations”
“The Simplicities of My Life”
“The Heart of Me”
“Behind it All there’s…Mabyn” or just “Behind it All”
“Mabyn’s Passions” or “The Many Passions in Life” or “The Passions of Mabyn’s Life” or “The Passions of my Life”
Just throwing some out there…love you!!