This past week two amazing things happened…
#1 I got to visit Nashville, TN for the first time everrrr while learning about doTERRA essential oils
#2 My photos were featured in the doTERRA Leadership magazine!
All in all, I’d say that’s a pretty productive week for all things doTERRA & photography! Isn’t it crazy how worlds can collide like that?
If you’re one of the people who follows me on Instagram or Facebook, then you’ve probably seen something about my obsession with doTERRA. A little over two years ago I was introduced to these magical little potions by my dear friends Ami & Crystal. Both ladies had been seeing amazing results in their families by using essential oils for health purposes. I was pretty skeptical and it wasn’t until I myself experienced some pretty amazing changes that I jumped on board. You see, I had terrible allergies…HAD being the important word here.
When I first moved down to NC it was like my allergies went into overdrive! That first spring I could barely walk outside without my face swelling, tears leaking, and nose running. I’m sure you can imagine the challenges that brings when taking photographs…It’s helpful to actually SEE what your taking pictures of! So I broke down and tried peppermint oil for the first time when driving 11 hours to Florida. I went from full on out allergy attack to normal happy Mabyn in just those few hours! After that I was hooked and my addiction began!
I signed up with doTERRA and took advantage of their pretty cool monthly program to get started. Since that first experience, I haven’t used any perscription or over the counter meds! It’s been over 2 years! Crazy right? Plus my room & studio always smell amazing!
So I gave you that long story to preface the whole point of this blog. My friend Crystal, whom I mentioned above, made it to the level of Diamond in doTERRA! It’s a HUGE accomplishment and has allowed her family to create the life that they’ve always wanted. When you reach that level, you get a full spread in quarterly Leadership magazine. With a full spread Crystal needed new family pictures and guess who got that wonderful job! YUP! It’s so cool for me to not only see Crystal’s family succeed in their dreams, but also getting to be part of a company that I believe in.
It just so happened that this magazine was released right before our trip to Nashville, TN! I’ve finally gotten to the point in doTERRA where I want to learn more and help others heal. I want to be able to answer some of the more in depth questions and learn the science behind why CTPG essential oils work so well! So when my friends, who are also part of the doTERRA family, opted to go to Nashville I jumped at the chance!
I learned a ton of new things (can you say hand cramp?) and my brain is still trying to process it all. I’ll definitely have to go back through my notes and reassess everything.
My only regret is that the trip was so short! Nashville is a city I would love to explore more in the future! So many things, so little time! At least I was able to knock one thing off my 2015 bucket list! An Expeco Patronum ice cream float from the Olan Rogers Soda Parlor! A perfect way to end a perfect trip!
So here’s to when worlds collide and create some seriously awesome magic!
I do sell doTERRA essential oils if anyone is interested, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I plan on doing more blog posts on how essential oils have literally changed my life! Happy Friday my lovelies!