Time moves so fast, I can’t believe it’s already been two years since I photographed Emily & KJ’s wedding! Since that whole experience, Emily, KJ, and I have all grown very close. We are consistently going back and forth between Syracuse and Binghamton to see each other. I can honestly say they are some of my favorite people in the whooooooooole world! Especially since Emily and I have the same brain! 😉
Due to the fact that we think a like, whenever one of us shoot’s the other (Emily & KJ have started up their own photography business in the past 2 years!) we try to make the location challenging. We like to push each other to think, unfortunately both of us usually has the dumb and can’t brain…(read that again) 😉 So of course, Emily and KJ find an old train station that’s being renovated. Tons of debris and dumpsters alllll over the place! But the architecture was so cool we just HAD to shoot there. The owner of the building happened to be there while we were shooting and with a stroke of luck, he invited us to shoot INSIDE! “Ok Mabyn, think, think, THINK!”
Despite the challenges of this location, Emily, KJ, and I had a fantastic time! I don’t think it’s possible to NOT have a good time when I’m around them! So with out further adieu here is Emily & KJ’s Anniversary Session!
Just to give you an idea of the challenge, here are some….environmental shots….;)
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008