1. Alyse French says:

    Hillary, you are simply stunning. Perf job, Mabs!! 🙂

  2. Emily says:

    My Seaser!! You’re amazing Mabes!!!

  3. stephanie says:

    loooove the b&w ones

  4. Diane says:

    Amazing….I first found your website through Grace and Chad’s wedding!

  5. Hillary says:

    Thank you so much Mabs!

  6. Emily says:

    My favorites are the first one, ‘AE’ looking ones, the right one when you talk of her redish brown eyes, and the ones that show off her lips/personality <3
    Your eye never ceases to amaze me Mabes!

  7. Emily says:

    Oh, and the last two… ah scratch that! I love em all! 😉

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