Kernersville, NC has so many beautiful locations to take snuggily family portraits! I had so much fun exploring those spots with the Shroyer Family!
Hugs, laughter, snuggles, and love. That’s my surrogate family to a T! They not only love each other so so so so so so so so much, but they love others just as much. I’ve never met people with bigger hearts and warmer hugs! It’s been so incredible to stay with them these past two years. I’ve learned & loved so much. It’s been 2 years since we did their pictures last and Oh. My. Goodness. Those kids have grown! STOP GROWING! STOOOOOOOOOP IT! Sadie is suppose to stay little forever!
Just this past weekend we celebrated my & JM’s birthdays. He’s almost a teenager…one more year! It’s so crazy!
I love this family more than there are words in any language! So it’s no wonder we have a TON of fun every time I pull out my camera. I hop you love these photos as much as I do!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008