Every now and then I get an opportunity to stretch my photographic muscle and just “play!” It’s so refreshing to not have any pressure to “do well” or capture something specific & just shoot for the pure enjoyment of it.
There is a group that I belong to called The Rising Tide Society. It’s motto is “A rising tide lifts all ships” and it’s goal is to help entrepenuers support one another to grow healthy business. This amazing group of entrepreneurs is nation wide and there are several local chapters through out NC, the closest of them being in Hickory, NC. I’ve only been to a few meetings so far, but I can tell you that these ladies are “in it to win it!” They’re all incredibly passionate, work hard, and love their craft whatever it may be. So it’s an honor to be part of this ever growing group!
Recently, we had the opportunity to get together for a headshot swap. We met in downtown Hickory and spent 2 hours shooting, laughing, and producing some wonderful images! It added a new layer of friendship to this group that is growing ever closer. They’re all so beautiful and I hope my shots do them justice. It was such a joy to capture their glowing beauty! Here’s to all of the #BossLadies that came out to rock it in front of the lens!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008