For the past few years I’ve been hyper focused on getting the wedding side of things set here in in North Carolina. Sure, I did family portraits, but I didn’t post them very often. To be honest, I wasn’t incredibly happy with how I was depicting them. There were lots of smiley faces, but where were the moments that I loved so much in weddings? It just didn’t float my boat if you know what I mean. So I chose to try and switch it up a bit, to approach families the way I do a wedding or an engagement session. I started prepping my clients on how we were going to do a few smiley portraits, but most of the session was going to be activity based. Running, jumping, snuggling, and all the in between. Once I started to do that, it was like a magical button had been pushed. I started seeing more life to our family session and I fell in love!
Now, I haven’t been as active in posting these sessions like I should. The big reason behind that is because we’re in the works of creating a new portrait brand. However, it’s just not getting done fast enough (raise your hand if you’re anal retentive like me!). Daniel & I both agreed that there’s just TOO MUCH GOODNESS not to share these sessions.
So we’re OFFICIALLY BOOKING 2017 family sessions for summer & fall. If you’re interested please contact us HERE!
Now onto the lovely Wickline Family and how I got to do this AMAZING session. Most of the family portrait clients I get here in NC are of people we’ve already met through church. This family however came to us in a super cool and fun way. A few years ago I got the amazing opportunity to work with Jessica Kerns of So Eventful all the way in Napa CA. It was an incredible vineyard wedding and Jessica has an amazing designers eye! However, she was all the way in CA and I was back here in NC, so the likelihood of working together again was pretty slim. Little did I know that Jessica’s BFF since childhood actually lived 45 minutes away in Winston Salem. I received an email from Jessica explaining how she wanted to gift her friend with an amazing portrait session. I loved the idea and Jessica & I began planning. When the summer finally rolled around, not only did I get to see Jessica again, but I got to meet a seriously amazing little family. Nicole, James, Bailey, & Reese were not only game for whatever I asked, but they were SUPER COOL (geeky friends unite!)! I shouldn’t have been surprised, any friends of Jessica have to be cool! 😉
We met met up in Old Salem and spent the afternoon exploring and trying not to sweat too much. 😉 It was an awesome day!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008