1. Arun Sajnani says:

    Congrats to the Newlyweds – Rachna & Bharat from the both of us:)

  2. George Kokoros says:

    Killa weekend and experience at the wedding of Bharat Chari & Rachna Batra #carolinainn in Chapel Hill, NC. It was so much fun! Congrats to the Newlyweds!!!

  3. Gita Chari Mattes says:

    My brother, Bharat Chari, and sister-in-law’s – Rachna Batra – wedding weekend … sneak peek

  4. Julie Coash says:

    Amazing photos of the the lucky couple. Congrats to both families. From your Coash relatives in Grand Rapids!

  5. Madhu Gombar says:

    Lovely picture.

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