Yes, every year I make the commitment to “get healthy” and every year I feel like I fall flat my face. 2012-2013 was the first year that I actually put my money where my mouth was. I dropped 20lbs and felt amazing!
Then I hurt my knee. The beginning of the end….dun dun duuuuuuuuuun!
All of my passion for working out went out the window and I started to travel considerably more than I had planned. Every 2 to 3 weeks I’d be off to some new location to shoot a wedding, and as exotic as that may sound, airport food is pretty much junk, junk, and more junk! There’s another word that goes perfectly with “Jet Setter” and thats “JET LAG!” I felt like I was in a constant state of jet lag with little ability to rest properly or relieve any of that bound up stress. Excuse after excuse brought me to where I was at the end of the year, tired, sick, and a ball of flubber.
I’ve had a lot of conversations with friends lately as well as observing some inner workings rattling around in this noggin. I’ve found that I needed to be more than just “healthy.” I needed to be WELL…I needed to be WHOLE! So I declared 2015 the year of being “Wholly Well!” Which isn’t the best name ever, but hey, it works.
I immediately jumped on the vlog wagon, vowing to make a vlog a week on how my progress was going! That lasted all of one week if I’m really being honest. The 2nd video I made was my friend’s daughter dancing around singing about veggies, Landon Austin, and pterodactyls! Doesn’t really count….Video making is time consuming and always sounds like a good idea until I actually have to do it…then come the excuses. I still want to make a video documentary on everything thats going on or at least talk on subjects that will help spur myself on in this year, but lets curb it it a more realistic one a month.
Just in this first month there have been so many things that have tripped me up: busy-ness, stress, grief, physical sickness, apathy are just to name a few. See being wholly well isn’t just on a physical level, it’s about the mind & the spirit too. What am I doing to improve myself every day? What action steps can I take in this journey?
Well as I unpack all of these things I’ll let you know here.
Thus far I’ve done a few things to start things off:
– I’ve found a gym with classes that I LOVE and I’ve not only gone, but I’ve ENGAGED as in getting to know the owner & my class leaders. These connections keep me going back!
– I’ve attempted to get back on the healthy eating train. I try to have a major cooking night once a week so I’m well prepped, my schedule is kinda weird so I haven’t worked this one out perfectly yet. Although because of my connections at the gym, I found a great new “grab n go” restaurant that’s all healthy options. A good alternative to when I can’t cook.
– I’ve started to educate myself more in the world of essential oils. I not only want to use them for my health, but I want to be well educated so I can help others take control of their health care.
– I’ve started to look deeper into my past to unpack some unhappy stuff and get rid of it for good. I want complete and total healing so God can really move in me and use me to help others.
Things I want to do in 2015 and beyond to be wholly well:
– I’d love to get certified to teach one if not two gym classes; Cardio Kickbox & Barre
– Really change my diet to a lifestyle and be able to say NO to those things I know are bad for me
– Become a certified aromatherapist.
– Have designated journaling/Bible time to dig in deep
– Lead others to wholeness through my past experiences
So what do you think? Can I achieve these crazy goals that I’ve set before myself? Am I a complete lunatic? Do you have any tips or stories of your own experiences? Let me know down in the comments! I’d love for this to be as interactive as possible.
And now enjoy Sadie’s Vegetable Song!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Yay! Love it. Wholeness journey.
Maby you really have to help Sadie come out of her shell! She is hilarious! Great start on the wellness plan! I have been continuing to go to the Y and do bible study. Working on healthy crockpot cooking. 🙂