This past weekend I had the privilage of being part of a new wedding venue’s grand opening celebration! Who doesn’t love a good party right? Well my friends at the the Villa de l’Amour sure know how to throw one! Not only did they give away amazing prizes, shower everyone in confetti, but they opened their doors to other wedding vendors! Woohoo! A party isn’t a party with out your friends, so 20 wedding vendors (present company included) and a plethora of newly engaged brides joined in the celebration!
When the Villa de l’Amour approached me to be part of their event, I was excited and terrified! It had been years since I’d been a presenter at a bridal show let alone had my own booth! Many a long night followed of brainstorming ideas of how it would look, what I would offer, and what photographs would best represent me. I did a lot of research on other photo booths on pinterest and visited a couple local shows to see what people were up to. The majority of photographers had photos everywhere. I was overwhelmed at it all and didn’t know where to look. Others had cleaner designs, but they didn’t have the cozy vibe I wanted. I ultimately decided upon a clean and minimalistic design. I wanted just a few large canvases and an inviting atmosphere for my 10×10 pocket of space. To give it the cozy element, I added in some chairs and candles. I didn’t get to put everything together until the night before the show, but I was so excited when the thoughts in my brain became a reality! It was just perfect!
The event kicked off with an opening ceremony complete with ribbon cutting! The response was immediate as everyone flooded into the venue to check out the swanky digs of the Villa de l’Amour! I had an incredible afternoon meeting brides, grooms, bridesmaids, and lots and lots of family! I was super excited that so many people loved the booth and all of the long hours I had put into it. It really made the event extra special. So a huge thank you goes out to the Villa de l’Amour, my fellow wedding vendors (see some of their amazing booths below) and every single bride & co that came through the Villa’s doors! It was an amazing experience and I hope I get to talk with you all again soon!
Every seat was filled as the celebration began!
My booth came together perfectly!
a HUGE thank you to Tonya from ABBA Design’s for creating a gorgeous bouquet for my booth!
Seriously, this arrangement is so gorgeous I almost fainted when she said it was mine!
It added that perfect POP of elegance!
Silver Feather Studios had a vibrant display that totally fits their amazing personalities!
ABBA’s booth was something out of a fairy tale!
Blue Soda Cake’s booth was literally something to drool over!
I got to hang out next to Jamie Mostofian Designs the whole show and let me tell you, I sure wasn’t complaining! Look at that gorgeous table!
There was even some food in the back room for us! The Villa knows the way to our hearts! Work it Ari!
Brian from Silver Feather Studios doin’ his thang
And the winner is….
A happy bride with a wedding venue! WOWZAH!
Thanks again to EVERYONE who was part of this magical day! <3
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008