Last Monday I had the great privelage of turning 27! It was probably one of the nicest and laid back birthday’s I’ve had. I spent the Saturday evening with my folks, brother, sister-in-law, and my nephew Ethan (The love of my life!). We had a sweet and quiet dinner together.
Sunday was Easter and I had a wonderful day with one of my favorite families who always take me in when my family has other plans. It was extremely relaxing.
Finally Monday arrived, and although I am officially in my late 20’s (only 3 more years until i’m 30! aaaahhh!) I was extremely blessed by my friends.
I started my day with a morning of prayer and praise to God for another year!
I also had the day off and I spent most of it at Carousel Mall shopping around with my friend Michelle. I haven’t been shopping in awhile so It was a wonderful birthday treat!
Lastly, I called some of my closest friends together for a fantastic birthday dinner at The Secret Garden. Korean food is some of my all time favorite and I indulged in some great selections!
We all met back at my place for some red velvet birthday cake hand crafted by my good friend Jordan! It was sublime!
I couldn’t have asked for more! My birthday (weekend) was a perfect way to start of year 27! I have a bunch of goals to meet and I’ve included them so hopefully you blog readers out there will help me stay accountable!
27 goals for the year 27:
1) take more pictures! (I know, thats an easy one, but I have to constantly take pictures to constantly get better right?)
2) develop my business into the legacy oriented vision I have
3) learn to knit proficiently!
4) travel to Las Vegas
5) travel to San Fransisco
6) complete reading the entire Bible front to back
7) talk more about the love of Jesus
8) become DEBT FREE!!! WAAHOO!!!
9) Lose 27 lbs
10) buy a bike
11) constantly seek the light, location, & composition when I’m shooting
12) buy an imac, PS5, and the latest version of Lightroom
13) write more letters to my compassion child Neema
14) visit my family more often & show them how much I love & appreciate them
15) show my roommates & friends how much I love and appreciate them (more!)
16) shoot more high school senior portraits
17) go skiing
18) travel to North Carolina
19) Travel to NYC at least twice
20) take more time for prayer and reflection
21) to quit the daycare… permanently
22) to create a family album for both sides of my parents families
23) to document WWII through my families eyes
24) to become more active in my community
25) to hone my video skills & learn video software
26) to love life more
27)to continue to seek Gods face & his will for my life
I will end with a few of my favorite images from my birthday dinner. Courtesy Lillian and Donna, my beautiful and talented roommates that constantly support and love on me! Even when I don’t deserve it!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008