Last week I mentioned I was sick, well that was nothing compared to this past Friday. It was awful…kinda like Mondays normally are. This Monday I’m celebrating because I finally feel like a normal human being! So I made myself some chicken Alfredo and hunkered down for a quiet Monday evening with my good friend Hulu.
There are a few big things happening around the world today and this week.
Let’s start with International Women’s Day, that’s right we get a whole day ALL around the world! Amazing! I found this great article about remembering Afghan Women. Please take the time to read it!
The second I am disappointed I’m not part of is WPPI. The largest wedding and portrait conference in the US is taking place right now in Vegas. A lot of talented photogs are there living it up. I will have to live vicariously through their wonderful images. We know what I’m saving up for next year!
Last week was full of accomplishments here at home.
I managed to set up for the gallery show that will be available all month at the Vineyard Church near the fairgrounds. It took about 6 hours and a lot of paper cuts and grumbling, but it’s up. Next time this happens, remind me to do just a few large images, then this wont be an issue. 😛
I also managed, in my sickipoo state, to surprise my roommate and good friend Donna for her birthday! She had a small event that she was singing at and I gathered most of her closest friends and co-workers there with balloons, flowers, and gifts and then she serenaded us all with her “Goddess like” voice.
While I couldn’t do anything other than push a button on my computer I decied to look up some tasty tidbits for today’s blog. Here, have some YUM in your life!
I LOVE popcorn and I ran out the other week, I need to by more and I’m soooo tempted to get bags like this so I can decoupage them to popcorn bowls. Aren’t they great?! Oh Etsy, you literally have EVERYTHING!
Who doesn’t need a 70-200 f/2.8 Thermos? Canon handed these suckers out at the Olympics. Apparently they’re not going to be put up for sale anytime soon. I think we should petition Canon to get these suckers out on the market! They’d sell like hotcakes!…or coffee….I’d love on one for sho!
Hair goodies taste like lollipops and cupcakes! Ok, maybe not, but they make me so happy when I see my brides and their bridesmaids wearing unique hair accessories. I get all warm and fuzzy inside!
Donna and I will be moving again in June. We’ll be back to an apartment complex rather than our beautiful house apartment. I’ll miss the fun decorating but I wont miss the work. I do long for my own home where I can make the kitchen a giant blackboard and write funny stuff on it. *Sigh* it’ll happen one day!
Lastly, I leave you with this cute lil’ poem. When I have kids this is going in their room(s)!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Super cuteness!!!