I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend full of Luuuuurrrrvvv! That’s right. I said Lurv.
Anywho, my weekend was so wonderful. Saturday was spent taking pictures and then hanging out with three of my favorite people in the world. We got sushi and spent the evening playing card games. Not super romantic but it was more than enough for me! Here’s a shot Donna, my beautiful roommate, took of the 4 of us.
Sunday was all sorts of crazy. My best friend, roommate, and personal model, Lillian was proposed to Sunday evening. I plotted with her now finance and we came up with an elaborate scavenger hunt/scheme/engagement party all wrapped into one! I wont go into detail because you’d be here all night reading this blog, but it went off with out a hitch! She was surprised to say the least! Images and possibly video to come soon.
Speaking of video, I know I promised the debut of my new Canon 7d’s video awesomeness but alas, my current computoral state is not powerful enough to process the awesomeness that is the 7d video. Therefor, there will be some delay in getting that tasty goodness to you. Rest assured though, I will do everything with in my power to show you. Oh yes, it will be shown!
February has be full of some great stuff so far. It’s usually about this time that I start getting depressed and try to figure out how to leave Syracuse until spring finally returns to us. So far this month has proven to be fairly mild and pretty bearable.
On the one had you have the greatness that is birthdays, superbowl, valentines day, and the sun finally starting slow it’s decent in the sky to after 6pm. On the other hand you have insanely cold days, high gas bills, and snow, snow, SNOW! This year the good out weighs the bad.
I’m going to leave you with a picture of a delicious looking black bean burger by morning star. I didn’t take the picture but man it looks appetizing! I had one of these over the weekend and my life has been changed. I really think it would be possible for me to go vegetarian. Morning Star and Quorn make some great products! If only they weren’t so darn expensive!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
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