I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of posts on social media or read a lot of blogs on this topic. Every year I try to reflect on the previous and analyze the high and low points. Its hard for me to move forward without first understanding my past. I will say that after looking back there were a TON of high points that i’d love to share.
Before that though (cuz this turned into a loooooooong post) I’d love to talk about 2015. I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a New Year in a loooooooong time! I always start off a new year drained, exhausted, and usually sick. Barely able to think about tomorrow let alone the whole year! This year really wasn’t terribly different, other than the fact that I got to slow down at the absolute last moment. I spent a lot of time thinking about what is to come. My heart lights up at some of the projects that you haven’t even seen yet! So many cool photographic & video things to come your way!
On top of that, my travels have finally slowed down, which is great for my personal life! I can actually pour into some of the goals and hobbies I’ve had to put up on the shelf for the past 2 years. One of which is my health and fitness. Yes everyone likes to resolved to get in shape in the new year. I’m not very original in that, but I really want to take ownership of my wellness as a whole. This also will include some serious self reflection in the next few weeks which I’m hoping to share with you all. Buckle up, cuz it’s gonna get real here at! I’m planning on writing a lot more personal blogs and hopefully some vlogs here in the near future. You’ve never gotten to know me like this! 😉
Another goal, completely unrelated to photography, is guitar. It’s something I’ve wanted to learn for years and I now I no longer have an excuse not to play. My parents got me one for Christmas and my pops laid down the gauntlet! He challenged me so the next time we’re together we can actually play together. How cool is that?! So feel free to leave periodic messages in the comments or on my social media asking me how thats coming along. I need your accountability!
Lastly, I want to start to limit my traveling for weddings. I’ve already booked 2 weddings for upstate NY in 2015 and I really can’t do too many more than that. It not only exhausts me, but it takes away from the attention I can give my clients. The people who come to me to capture their weddings are so important to me and I don’t want to seem like the frazzled artist type. Yes, I can be that, but I’m also a professional and I love my clients too much to be anything less. So as much as it scares me, I’m going to limit my travel this year to 4 out of state weddings. That means there are only 2 slots left for 2015.Â
I see a lot of hope in 2015 and I’m entering into this new year with excitement and expectation. Thank you to everyone who was part of 2014! It was a whirlwind and I will treasure it. I pray blessings and joy over your 2015! Let’s rock it together!
My first epic news in 2014 was that I found a studio space! That was and still is one of my favorite things to happen in 2014. It’s been so incredible to have a beautiful space to work in but also fellow photographers to collaborate and commiserate with. Though I didn’t technically meet Ariana & Aura in 2014 thats when our friendships thrived. So I am incredibly grateful to be sharing a space with them both (and hopefully Brian soon!)
Ari & Brian
Shannon, Aura, & I
2014 was also another year of extreme travel! I was on and off airplanes every 2-3 weeks for 3 months straight. As cool as it was, it was also EXHAUSTING! My body isn’t really built for travel like some peoples are. However it made for some epically awesome locations for photo shoots!
Photobombed by my former seat mate
The Bluffs Sterling, NY
Montauk Manor Montauk, NY
Greenville, NC
San Francisco, CA
Napa, CA
Calistoga, CA
Fayetteville, NY
The Bluffs Sterling, NY
Hampton Beach Hampton, NY
Montauk Manor
Lake Placid, NY
San Francisco, CA
Grand Central Station NYC
The best part of all of my travels and probably my year had to have been the reunions! It wasn’t until I was going through all of my photos that I realized how many friends I had been reunited with! It was great to see everyone and spend some quality time catching up.
This year was so full of fantastic moments, some that I can’t even categorize. I will say though that I made sure to have FUN where ever I was and I definitely did!
This girl makes me laugh every day!
My home & family, Cre8
Niece & Nephew
My crazy folks!
50’s night!
Double decker bus!!! YEAAAAAH!
The best ramen I’ve every had!
No caption necessary….
ZOMBIE VIDEO! Click here to see our crazy!
My favorite trip thus far has been to Toronto, CA for the Buffer Film Fest. I had an incredible time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. It was so refreshing!
Las trip of the year was back home for Christmas. As always it was over in a blink, but I managed to find a bit of peace in all the hustle and bustle. I hope you find the same this New Year!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
You’ve had a pretty epic year my darling! :*
psstt… i hope next year is even better! 😀