Most mornings after I’ve managed to drag myself over to the coffee maker allllllllll the waaaaay across my apartment, I plop myself right down on my couch pull up my lappy (that’s what I call my laptop…you know you’ve named yours too!) and settle in for my morning blog stalk. I love blogs like Style Me Pretty (obviously!), Wedding Chicks, Emmaline Bride, Green Wedding Shoes, and The Sweetest Occasion. I have several more that I stalk, and if you want more links to add to your obsession feel free to email me and I’ll shoot em’ your way!
Most of these delicious blogs feature super creative weddings and inspiration shoots. I’m usually drawn to the inspiration shoots like a fly to butter! They’re always so unique and have a cool twist on a theme. So I got to thinking….I said to myself, “Self…why don’t you do an inspiration shoot?” I said “Good idear Self! What should said inspiration be?” I won’t continue on with my internal conversation…but you get the idea. I debated over this theme and that theme, but my ultimate conclusion was that they had all been done before (or they were WAY out of my budget). That’s when it happened. I was walking out my apartment and noticed the newspapers that had been piling up on the sidewalk. BAM! Duh Mabyn! Use NEWSPAPER! It’s cheap and easy to mold into cute little things! PERFECT!
At this point I had already been planning a group photo shoot for Central NY wedding photographers. I decided it’d be the prime time to also do my newspaper inspiration shoot. I contacted a wonderful friend of mine Stacy Peffley and pitched her the idea. She gave me the thumbs up & contacted her sister Shannon Lach an extremely talented designer for The Events Company here in Syracuse. With our powers combined with developed the idea & set it into motion! (Insert Captain Planet theme song here)
Two short weeks later the day had arrived! I was up at 6am putting the last minute details into place and then off to our location. A very cool rock quarry that I have shot at several times. We spent the whole morning moving all of our props down a mile long path to an abandoned warehouse. It was quite the task! I had the most AMAZING team of people helping. I can’t gush enough about Stacy Peffley, Shannon Lach, Martha Swann, and Kim & Jacob Milea!!! They were my work horses that day and didn’t complain a bit about the walk or the heat. All to put together my vision and I am eternally grateful!
Now that you’ve got the background, let me tell you about the actual set up.
We ventured to create 2 variations based on the newspaper theme. 1 industrial, 1 rustic. Our aim was to make the set up as inexpensive and elegant as possible.
Wedding Décor Design by Shannon Lach of The Events Company
The Events Company has a wonderful team at The Wedding Studio at 224! It’s compiled of extremely talented vendors two of which donated their time and talents; Kathy Knittle from The Floral Gardens who designed our stunning floral arrangements, & Erin McKenna Nowak from Bride Design Couture Invitations provided the gorgeous invites, guestbook sign, & menue.
All of the newspaper accents are DIY by yours truly. There’s everything from table runners, to pom poms, to place cards.
Most of the antiques were collected from various garage sales, antique stores, & family members.
The Events company provided the design of the tables as well as the linnens & chairs.
All of the silverware & place settings (with the exception of the silver goblets) were plastic as to save on cost…who says plastic can’t be classy?
The gorgeous cake was purchased from Wegmans and decor was provided by The Events Company by the lovely Shannon Lach
The name “Newspaper Newlyweds” completely the brilliant mind work of Shannon Lach! Thank you darling!
Thank you so much to everyone who made this possible & who participated! It was a fantastic day!
This is one of my fave shots of the day. YAY negative space!
Look at how different the space looks by just changing a few things? Shannon is so good!
How cool is this mix of newspaper flowers & real flowers? Thank you to The Floral Gardens!!
I love mason jars, they just HAD to be included! 🙂
Look at that cake! Look at those invitations! A HUGE thank you to Bride Design Couture Invitations
My hipster couple, Kim & Jacob!
I think I’m going to keep quilts in my car from now on, just for this reason
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Mabyn I looove this shoot. The pictures are great. We wish we could have been part of it. Let us know if you need models in the future. Would loove another chance to wear my dress 🙂
Aw, Thanks Grace! I will totally let you know! 🙂
This is so amazing and creative!! I love the hipster photos, all of your models were beautiful and so in love 🙂