It’s not very often that I get to blog about personal stuff. This season has been so jam packed with amazingness that I just can’t seem to keep up! So we’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled program of wedding goodness (for a brief moment).
Currently, I am sitting at a table at my hotel with some of the best coffee I have ever had, covered in bug spray, but enjoying every moment of this beautiful place called Nicaragua!
My best friend, Lillian, (scroll down to see engagement photos) is getting married to her fiance Felipe in just 2 more days! As I mentioned before, I will not be shooting this wedding. I in fact get to be IN the wedding as her Maid of Honor! I don’t have any sisters and only a handful of very close girlfriends, so this truly is an honor for me!
My friend Amber (another bridesmaid) and I arrived in Nicaragua at about 7am Eastern time. The whole trip down took about 12 hours. It was a fun all nighter as I don’t sleep well in airports or planes.
Once we arrived I was immediately over stimulated with the culture and so badly wanted to take my camera out and start snapping away! I controlled myself until we had a nap and then it was all over from there!
Since our arrival, we’ve been treated with amazing hospitality, had amazing Nicaraguan food, visited the resort where Lillian is to be married, and hung out at a volcanic ash beach! Today we have real wedding business to attend to.
It’s all so wonderful! I can’t wait to share part 2 of this journey with you!
Night time and sun rise on the way to Nicaragua
Our hotel
The best coffee ever!!! mmmm!
Amber and I
The view from Felipe’s residence
One of the volcanoes of Nicaragua
Some of the details from the beach house
The beautiful beach & beach house
The whole beach was volcanic ash
Myself, Amber, and Lillian (the beautiful bride!)
Lillian & Felipe
And now a few from the trip back to the city
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
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