Normally I would save this type of thing till my next “Marvelous Monday” post but I’m too giddy to wait!
I had a superfantasticalistic (best new word ever!) day yesterday! But I have to tell you what happend last week first.
Last week was one of those “Murphy’s Law” weeks. Everything that could go wrong, did. Friday came along and I was so relieved because it looked like Murphy had finally left my vicinity. Then Saturday happened.
I was in the middle of an awesome photoshoot when “Click” something in my view finder didn’t look right. A shot of fear ran through me. Something was wrong with my camera. Every photogs worst nightmare! I took off the lens and low and behold there was the mirror off the track and broken. Not to mention that my second camera had broken a week or two before. I was stuck.
Thankfully my client was more than understanding and I had gotten enough shots to make her happy for the time being. I will be making it up to here ASAP!
This whole situation led to a serious week of prayer and the weighing of my options. I had several other bills and impending payments that I needed to make and I was unhappy that I had to add fixing 2 cameras to the list let alone being cameraless for who knew how long.
I contacted Canon and found out that this is a rare thing that happens from time to time and that they’d fix it for free! Hallelujah! This still didn’t resolve the time factor of being cameraless for a month or so. I prayed, debated, researched, and chatted with several wise people. When it came down to it, I needed to buy a new camera.
So I did!
She came yesterday from B&H and I could not be happier! The Canon 7d is a beautiful piece of equipment and I can’t wait to test her out thoroughly. I am definitely in love!
Happy early Valentines Day!
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Mabyn Ludke Photography
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