If you’ve been following me on Facebook then you may have already realized I left cold and snowy NY for the somewhat warmer temperatures of the south! My excuse was for work, (I shot a beautiful wedding in Richmond, VA yesterday!) but I also used that opportunity to have a little vacation. Despite what you might think, I haven’t had a break in awhile. I know you see me traveling to all of these amazing locations, which I love, but I’m working most of my time there. So when my wonderful bride Ashley asked if I would come down to Richmond or her wedding I knew 3 things. #1 – that by November 1st, NY could potentially have snow and that I, spending most of my summer/fall shooting, wasn’t emotionally ready for snow. #2 – that I have a plethora of friends scattered down the east coast and that I would effectively receive multiple death threats, rotten vegetables, and possibly horse heads in the mail if I didn’t visit then while in town. #3 -that my body and brain really needed to take a break for more than a day or two. Thus the Road Trip was born! My friend Emily, of Emily Elizabeth Studios, and I took to the road on Friday to stop in many locations! We’ve already been to Baltimore, MD and I’m writing the blog to you in Richmond, VA. Our next stop is to go down to the Tri Piedmont area of NC! We’ll spend a few days there and then make our way back up to the Washington DC area with the possibility of swinging by Boston, MA to round out our trip! Phew! That’s a lot of driving and I’m so glad I bought my new car this past summer! (Side note, I think it’s taken me a good 5 months to come up with a fitting name for her…we’ll see if it sticks!)
Though 2012 isn’t over yet, it seems like it’s been an amazing travel year! I never expected that I’d get to meet so many amazing people and visit so many new places! I never fancied myself a traveler, I was always content to sit in my own little town. After this year of adventures though, my tastes have definitely changed! If you don’t already, make sure to follow me on Facebook & Twitter to get current updates of our exploits! There may even be a video or two on the Youtubez if you’re lucky! 😉
Oh another Side Note: I just reached 100 subscribers yesterday! What?! I’m in shock! Thank you so much everyone! Like I said in an earlier blog post, 100 subscribers = GIVEAWAY! So stay tuned for that! 😀
Here are a few snapshots from the trip already! Everything from giddy silly girls, losing my purse, amazing restaurants, to gorgeous weddings!
Some shots by Emily Elizabeth Studios…iphone…
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008