Every year I set a list of goals for myself. Personal, financial, and especially business oriented. One of the bigguns on my 2011 list for business was to get published on a wedding blog. So when Leah & Patrick told me about their Style Me Pretty inspired wedding I was ready to go! Their wedding was overflowing with amazing little details and I tried my best to capture each one along with the gorgeous moments that seemed to happen the whole day! I submited their wedding with bated breath to Style Me Pretty and waited to see what would happen.
For those of you who aren’t in the wedding blog loop, wedding blogs are quickly becoming more popular than wedding magazines. They’re more informative, updated several times a day, and they’re free to access! Style Me Pretty is not only one of those blogs but it’s the PREMIER one in the country…dare I say the world? For brides to visit! So when I was waiting with bated breath in the above paragraph…lets just say I didn’t get my hopes up too high.
I submitted on a Friday afternoon and received an email on the following Monday. I clicked on my inbox message not expecting much, but to my delight I received “Congratulations, this submission has been selected for publication on one of our LOCAL blogs!” If you were a dog then maaaaaaybe you heard the squeal emanate from my lips! I was literally bouncing in my seat! The cooler part? They featured it TODAY! Talk about fast! I expected them to have a queue a mile long!
Not only was this a huuuuge check off the goal list, but it meant a lot to my bride Leah who, like me, stalks Style Me Pretty on a regular basis.
I am so grateful to everyone who’s already wished my the warmest of congrats on Facebook! You’re all too kind. I’m just so glad that I can see myself achieving the goals I have set ahead. Anything is possible! I just have to believe it and keep trying!
I also get to display this cool little seal on my website! Oh the joy never ends! 🙂
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
Congratulations Mabes!!! STYLE ME PRETTY!! — What a beautiful capture of a gorgeous wedding (And your great achievement =) ) Your narrative of the wedding makes me want to have witnessed all of the love and energy in that day.