Most of the couples that hire us to capture their amazing weddings we connect with on some level. We’ve got that “thing” that makes us forever friends. Time and time again, Daniel and I have to pinch ourselves because our clients are just so dang awesome!
Take Katie & Sam for instance. We met them for the first time at Krankies in Winston Salem and spend an entire evening chatting and eating dinner together. We even shared pie! You know the consult is going well when you’re all comfortable enough to say “Oh! Try my pie!” We quickly realized that Katie & Sam were kindred spirits as we talked music, food, friends, and oh yeah…about their wedding! 😉
That amazing connection made it so easy to show up on their wedding day and feel like part of the family! Everyone was comfortable being vulnerable in front of our cameras and I’m pretty sure we captured some of my absolute favorite images of the year because of it. I’m especially obsessed with Katie & Sam’s first look. These two had been together for practically 10 years and to see the nerves on Sam’s face just before and then to watch them openly shed tears of joy for this long awaited moment just melted my heart to a big puddle! Then the relief & joy that followed the rest of the day made my trigger finger very happy!
Their wedding took place at First Friends Meeting in Greensboro. It’s an incredibly simple and beautiful venue all in one! We then journeyed over to Scrambled Southern Diner for their intimate reception full of amazing speeches and incredible food…not to mention there were some pretty snazzy dance moves too! 😉
Daniel and I cannot stop talking about how fantastic Katie & Sam’s sweet day was. It was so amazing to bear witness and to capture it all for them. Thank you Katie & Sam for an amazing wedding experience!
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008