What do you get when you mix, good looks, charm, and ridiculousness in one couple? You get Liz and Mike, two of the coolest people on the planet!!! Seriously, when we met in Starbucks about a year ago we instantaneously became friends! I know I’m repeating myself from their You + Me post, but I fell in love with these guys so I can’t help but gush! 😉
Finally, their wedding day came along! I’d only been waiting alllll season for it! And after a gorgeous September, what happens? Their day was 50 degrees and rainy!
Now the average couple might get really upset and worry that the rain will ruin their day. Not Liz & Mike! They were totally down for any and all outdoor shots, rain or shine! Is it any wonder I fell in love?! So they not only braved the rain, but cold and broken dresses as well! Yeah! I know right? They’re completely amazing!
One of a bride’s biggest nightmares is something happening to the dress right before the wedding. Well guess what happened right before the wedding? The zipper on her dress fell off! Did Liz freak out? Did she throw a fit? NOPE! Calm as a cucumber we called Spybaby Boutique and their amazing seamstress fixed the dress in 20 minutes flat! (Cue Superman music here!) We still had plenty of time to get her to the church!
The rest of the day went as smooth as butter, with crazy interloods of Mike jumping in puddles or bench pressing Liz! The reception at Dinosaure BBQ was rockin’ as always! I especially loved when Liz, Mike, and their wedding party jumped up on stage and started throwing beads like it was Mardi Gras!
Thank you Liz and Mike for choosing me to, not only capture your special moments, but become your friend!
Bride & Groom: How did you meet?
We met during orientation at Le Moyne College. Mike’s roommate went to my high school.
How did your fiancé propose?
I had just finished my last final exam of my second year at SU Law and we were excited about leaving for a two week vacation in Italy the next morning. I was craving ice cream so we stopped at Gannon’s Isle in the Valley, but it was chilly so after we got our ice cream we got back in the car and started driving around. Mike drove up to Le Moyne and we finished our ice cream on a bench outside Grewen. This seemed pretty ordinary to me because when the weather is nice, Mike and I sometimes venture up to the benches in front of Grewen Hall at Le Moyne College to talk. This particular night was rather chilly, but Mike and I sat there talking about how excited we were for our trip. Then, out of the blue, Mike says that he doesn’t want me to think that he is going to propose in Italy. I was speechless for a moment since I wasn’t expecting him to. Mike kept talking and suddenly pulls out a ring box, gets on one knee and says that he doesn’t want to ask me in Italy because he wants to ask me right then and there! I was shocked and of course, I said yes
Tell me a bit about the planning process for your wedding (how did you pick the venue, colors, funny stories, etc..):
Mike and I really like food, especially barbeque, and we wanted a more casual wedding reception. Dinosaur Bar-B-Que was a logical choice and once we saw the Upstairs room we were sold on our wedding venue.
What details at your wedding had special significance?
My dad put together a “Love Chest” based upon an old Italian tradition. About one week before the wedding, my dad asked me and Mike to write letters to each other. The letters were sealed and my father placed them in the box along with a bottle of wine and two glasses. The box has two keys, one for each of us. The box can only be opened on two occasions: (1) on our tenth wedding anniversary or (2) if we ever happen to hit a rocky patch, the box can be opened so that either of us can read the letter we wrote to the other.
What was the most memorable moment(s) of your day?
When the zipper on my dress broke as I was getting in it – very shortly before we were supposed to leave for the Church! I will never forget how amazing my bridesmaids were and the great suggestion that Mabyn made reminding us that Spybaby was right around the corner! Maria, Spybaby’s amazing seamstress, not only fixed the dress, but came back to the hotel to help me get in and button it up! I am positive I witnessed a small miracle!
If you had to do it all over, would you change anything?
Not a thing! I even enjoyed the rain.
Funniest memory from your wedding day?
While we were taking outdoor photos before the reception, it was really chilly and it started to rain a bit. Nate, Mike’s six-year-old nephew, sat in the limo and rolled down the window every few minutes to let us know how warm he was inside the limo.
What was your favorite (or most handy?!)wedding purchase?
Umbrellas! They may not be my favorite, but they really came in handy! I have to give the credit to Mike for finding some cute umbrellas for the ladies.
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Aruba, we stayed at Bucuti and Tara Resorts. They have a phenomenal beach.
Any advice for future bride & grooms?
It all works out in the end!
Liz was all smiles despite the crazy! She’s so amazing! I especially loved when Mike snuck a quick peek in the room before Liz got dressed.
The church was gorgeous and there were so many sneaky cute moments between Liz & Mike
I love when my clients trust me implicitly! It results in awesomeness!
What a crazy party and the perfect shot to end a perfect day!
Hair: Tiffany DeWald//Makeup Artist: Holly Piselli//Dress Designer & Store Location: Sarah Danielle, style 5563 in Natural – NY Bride//Jewelry: Etsy (Luxe Deluxe)//Veil or Hair accessories: Veil – NY Bride; Hair Accessory – Revlon!//Shoes: NY Bride – Grace “Jewel”//Bridesmaids Dresses: Bill Levkoff, style 583 in European Pewter//Grooms Attire: Jim’s Formal Wear at NY Bride//Ceremony Venue: Blessed Sacrament Church, Syracuse, NY//Reception Venue: Upstairs at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que//Additional photo Venue: Downtown Syracuse//Florist: Rosebuds Florist//Transportation: Northeast Limousine Service//DJ: Black Tie Entertainment//Cake & Cupcakes: Carol Barletta, Mike’s aunt//Event Designer: none; although my dad did a wonderful job with the paper lanterns!//Invitations & Stationary: Wedding Paper Divas
Introductions: Bridal Party: Jimi Hendrix – Voodoo Child//Bride & Groom: Bruno Mars – Marry You
Father/Daughter: Tim McGraw – My Little Girl
Mother/Son: Rod Stewart – Have I Told You Lately
First Dance: Adele – Make You Feel My Love
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008
What a blissful wedding! Well done and many blessings to such a happy and over-coming couple! Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous photos once again! I love the umbrellas!