
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

Wendy and Dave are such a joyous couple! Tim and I spent a beautiful sunny morning at Thorndon Park & Syracuse University snapping shots of smiles, laughs, & funny faces! We had so much fun, I can only imagine what their wedding day is going to be like!  Their love for life and each other […]

Wendy & Dave’s Couples Session : Real Love

Let me start with a disclaimer: This is in no way a dig against tuxedos. They look great! Its just…well…they’re “typical,” and we all know how I feel about “typical“…. So today’s blog is all about the anti-tuxedo! Guys, instead of getting a mass produced, non fitted, weird smelling, rental tux, why not invest in […]

For the Guys : Real Style

It is an utter joy to capture a babies first moments! They’re so pure and genuine. It’s amazing how you can see their little personalities shining through just days after they enter the world! Gabrielle has a very prominent personality! She’s definitely not going to be camera shy! This lil’ 12 day old sweetheart was […]

Gabrielle : Real Life

I’m looking for 2011 senior representatives from local Syracuse high schools! Each rep will receive: An hour long photo shoot with Me and I’ll wave your session fee! (save $99) For every 3 seniors that drop your name when they book, receive 10% off your products! For every 10 seniors that drop your name when […]

Calling all 2011 Seniors! : Real Life

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