We started the session at Looking Glass Falls just south of Asheville. When Daniel & I arrived it was crowded with tons of tourists enjoying a warm spring day. Not very long after Liz & Nathen arrived, the crowds dispersed and we had most of the waterfall to our selves! I can’t make this stuff up people! How amazing!
Every photo session starts off a little awkward, but with these two it didn’t last long. It was clear to see that they soaked up every spare moment they could with each other. That whole “absence makes the heart grow fonder” thing is very true.
I was obsessed with Liz’s engagement ring. It was a beautiful shade of rose gold.
Remember that awkward thing that I talked about earlier? Yeah, the best part about Liz & Nathen is that they completely embrace it! They had us cracking up all day long!
But that sweetness tho…I can’t quite get over how the love just pours from these two!
I’m also pretty smitten with the fact that they had no problem with me getting “all up in their grill.” It was like I didn’t exist & their I was a happy observer of their bubble of joy.
Liz was quite the trooper, getting up that rock was not easy & she made it happen! Totally worth it!
I happened to look down and saw bits of river debris clinging to their cold toes. I couldn’t help but snap a shot of this cuteness.
Looking Glass Falls felt like we were in a travel magazine. It’s just gorgeous from any angle!
Liz was sad that she didn’t get an opportunity to put on self tanner before the shoot. I was actually glad she didn’t! The gorgeous mix of pale skin & red locks is so incredibly beautiful and unique. It’s easy to see why Nathen is so enraptured by his Liz!
Gotta give it to Nathen this time. Apparently the waters in Australia are much warmer than they are in the Appalachian Mountains! It took some pulling, but we finally got him in there!
I couldn’t help by stop and take one more photo on the way back out from Looking Glass Falls. Look at that view!
Our second stop in this epic Asheville adventure was to Black Balsam Knob. Where it was sunny and warm at Looking Glass the opposite was true at Black Balsam. It’s amazing what a little elevation will do! We drove higher and higher into the clouds until we finally reached the trail head. What a contrast to Looking Glass. At first I was worried that Liz & Nathen would be disappointed, but to my delight these two wanted to embrace the foggy goodness that surrounded this mountain top!
It’s been a long time since I got to shoot in foggy conditions and I was SO excited to play! Look at how Liz’s red hair just pops against the dark background!
Ya’ll know how I am with crazy light and I knew that these foggy conditions would be perfect to create something magical. I never expected to capture bits of color within the light. The fog acted like a prism refracting a rainbow!
Liz & Nathen may not of have gotten epic mountain top views, but the got something vastly more unique!
Then I turned off the flash and found a beautiful moodiness that worked perfectly with these two. Aren’t these dark woods so romantic?
The woods at Black Balsam Knob are something special…
We cleared the woods and headed up towards the top and stopped along the way for a few snuggles too.
The further we climbed the wind got stronger & the fog got thicker!
Both locations Liz & Nathen chose were like out of a story book. We kept talking about how Black Balsam Knob reminded us of something out of Lord of the Rings!
By the time we got near the top of Black Balsam we realized that we were losing light fast. So we found a super cool outcropping of rocks and chose to finish our session there.
I’m pretty sure we were in a movie or something!
It’s photos like this one that make me want my long hair back…just for a wind swept photo shoot!
As the last remaining bits of light were in the sky, I lit these two up as they lit up our world during this fantastic session. Gosh I love this job, there is nothing better in the entire world!