When I think of Holly & Jeff, I think funny, sweet, and comfortable. They just go so well together, like it’s always been that way. I especially loved listening to all of their stories & inside jokes. I could totally imagine them growing old together. We had a great time up at Syracuse University exploring spots that I had yet to shoot (like the parking garage & cool wall sculpture) and then we moseyed over to Barry Park and walked along the running trail. Thanks Holly & Jeff for being willing to try anything! I can’t believe I have to wait a whole year to shoot your wedding!
Holly & Jeff have thumb wars all of the time
Jeff’s won this round!
Parking garages have great angles & lines! So fun!
I’m surprised I hadn’t shot at the sculpture wall on S.U. yet. SUPER COOL!
We had to sneak in just a little bit of the dome!
Holly & Jeff LOVE Harvest Cheddar Sunchips! So of course we integrated them into the shoot.
A blue Heron was hanging out for the shoot.
Coolest leaves ever.
©template by Birdesign.
Mabyn Ludke Photography
Serving North Carolina and Worlwide since 2008