
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

Every so often I get to collaborate with some amazing vendors! Remember the Newspaper Newlywed shoot? Shannon Lach of the Events Company helped me tremendously with the design. The Events Company loved it so much that they decided to do some stylized shoots of their own with yours truly and the phenomenal Meghan Thomas of Meghan Thomas […]

Vendor Feature: The Events Company: Franklin Square

One of the nice things about being a wedding photographer is all of the beautiful places I get to visit. I’ve seen some of the prettiest venue’s in the area! There is literally a place to suite every taste, whether traditional or out of the box Central NY has it all! Dori and Kyle took full advantage […]

Dori & Kyle’s Love Story

I’m no Tim Allen…and maybe that’s a good thing. I’m more of carefree Martha Stewart…sans the sweat shops! 😉 I love everything about interior design! Unfortunately my apartment complex doesn’t let me paint the walls so I’ve had to find other ways to curb my thirst for it. As of late that thirst has ravaged […]

Home Improvement & Delicious Sneaks!

Sometimes clients just “get” you. They see your work, read your blog, and instantly they feel a connection! Katie and Mike are two such people. We have mustual friends in common. Susan & Chris showed their wedding pictures to Katie and Mike and that was it! Katie contacted me and booked me on the spot! […]

Katie & Mike’s You + Me Session

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