
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

As I sit here writing this blog, I am so blessed to have just experienced one of the most amazing miracles of our world! The shoot you are about to see is a maternity session that I took just 2 weeks ago! I am writing this from the hospital where Kim and Jacob just delivered their first […]

Kim & Jacob’s You + Me = 3!

So the rest of my days in sunny Florida were extremely packed! Obviously since I haven’t had the chance to blog about them till now…Anywho, let me briefly recap the rest of the trip for you: Our trip to Tallahassee was extremely successful! Our friend David took us all over the place. We visited the Mission San […]

Florida Trip: The rest of it : Syracuse, NY Wedding Photography

Last Monday I had the great privelage of turning 27! It was probably one of the nicest and laid back birthday’s I’ve had. I spent the Saturday evening with my folks, brother, sister-in-law, and my nephew Ethan (The love of my life!). We had a sweet and quiet dinner together. Sunday was Easter and I […]

Marvelous Monday : The Birthday Edition

I apologize for last week’s absent edition. I unfortunately was sick AGAIN! 😡  It’s apparently a never ending battle when you work with small children at a daycare. Let’s hope I’m out of the woods for awhile. I don’t think I can handle getting sick again, not when I have so much to do! Anywho, lets get […]

Marvelous Monday : The Life Update Edition

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