

branding sessions

Branding & 

Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

Meet Savannah Collier the serene mind behind The Resilient U, a therapeutic coaching business for women who’ve experienced trauma and pain. She empowers women to heal, reconnect their bodies, rewire their limiting beliefs, and reclaim their lives! When meeting Savannah I could tell instantly that she loves what she does. Her compassionate heart and her […]

Inspirational Women: Savannah Collier

A joyful woman sits on a kitchen counter, embodying warmth and positivity in her personal brand photos by Mabyn Ludke Photography.

Personal brand photography is a great way for business owners to boost their authority and connect with their audience. Here are the top three reasons why personal brand photography is important for your business: Brand photography boosts your authority in your field. Your brand is more than just a logo. It’s everything that represents your […]

Top 3 reasons you need personal brand photography

Personal brand photography is the new trendy kid on the block when it comes to elevating your business. Some may think it’s a passing fad, or just a fancy way of saying headshots, but I’m here to tell you personal branding photography is here to stay and it’s one of the best ways to level up your brand and bring your favorite people straight to your inbox.

Elevate your biz with brand photography

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