Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!
Meet my new North Carolina besties, Ariana and Brian! If you follow me in Facebook or Instagram, then you’ve probably see me take numerous selfies with this amazing duo! We’re birds of a Silver Feather! 😉 I just couldn’t resist! The pun was too easy! These guys are the brains, beauty, talent, and just all […]
It’s officially…technically…kinda sorta been a year since I’ve moved down to Kernersville, NC. I “moved” last February & I spent over half of the year here, so I guess that counts right? The other…almost half….I spent between upstate NY & FL. I’m not sure if the time I’ve spent here in North Carolina has been […]