
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

I awoke to some pretty awesome news today! My dear friend Katie Lemos Brown of Lovewell Celebration Design and her AMAZING blog The Lovewell Post (aka The Post) wrote an atricle for Today’s CNY Woman Magazine! Guess who’s picture made it for the Artistic Bride?! Go figure right? Check out Katie’s article and if you […]

Mabyn Ludke Photography Featured in Today’s CNY Woman!

Today's CNY Women Magazine Featuring Mabyn Ludke Photography

Desserts, dance offs, & delicious loooooove! That’s what Yolanda & Arel’s You + Me session consisted of. We and I had a great time developing their romantic theme! We decided upon a lakeside picnic at Green Lakes, where they drank hot chocolate, snuggled, and were ridiculously adorable! Yolanda and Arel compliment each other so well! […]

Yolanda & Arel’s You + Me Session

Green Lakes Fall Picnic Engagement Session Fayetteville NY

Every You + Me session is so different, as you can plainly see. I like to tailor my sessions to the couple, their peronality, and any extra things that they love. What made Sheila & Jake’s session so different? Besides the fact that they’re amazing and have an adorable dog, Roo,  is that they’re already […]

Sheila & Jake’s You + Me Session

I’m so excited for the 2012 season! Not only do I have some AH-MAZ-ING clients but I get to travel too! That’s right people, Mabyn Ludke Photography is going national! WOOHOO! Jen and Sean are the first couple to have me come to them! I go to NYC every year for a Photo Expo and […]

Jennifer & Sean’s Philly You + Me Session

Philadelphia Engagement Session Mabyn Ludke Photography

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