
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

When cultivating your brand, headshots are a key ingredient. They are like a virtual handshake allowing your audience to see the face behind the curtain of your business. Typically, when we think of headshots, what comes to mind are those stiff, sterile photos that make us feel more like deer caught in headlights than confident […]

Headshot trend for 2024

Lee Yokeley of EXP Realty welcomes you home. Photo by Mabyn Ludke Photography in Statesville, NC

Every now and then I get an opportunity to stretch my photographic muscle and just “play!” It’s so refreshing to not have any pressure to “do well” or capture something specific & just shoot for the pure enjoyment of it. There is a group that I belong to called The Rising Tide Society. It’s motto […]

Swap Till You Drop – Hickory NC Headshot Swap

Hickory, NC Headshot Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

Last month one of the photography groups I belong to, Taking Photography, got together and shot each others beautiful faces…luckily with cameras…There is so much fantastic talent in North Carolina and these ladies are not only talented but gorgeous as well! It was a joy to capture their beauty! I even got my mug shot […]

Winston Salem, NC – Talking Photography Head shots

Maggie is a student at Appalachian State. She’s bright, kind, and loves LOVE, just like me! In fact, Maggie isn’t just my gorgeous “model” for SBC, she’s my gorgeous AND talented assistant for my 2015 wedding season! I thought what better way to introduce her to all my bride’s & grooms than by doing a […]

Greensboro, NC Portrait Session – Maggie

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