
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

For the past few years I’ve been hyper focused on getting the wedding side of things set here in in North Carolina. Sure, I did family portraits, but I didn’t post them very often. To be honest, I wasn’t incredibly happy with how I was depicting them. There were lots of smiley faces, but where […]

The Wickline’s in Old Salem – Family Portraits

Did you know you can take pictures together AFTER you’re married? Yeah! I know, crazy right? Haleigh and Kevin were married a year ago and decided to model for a local photog get together. They were super sweet and I just adored Haleigh’s lavender dress! When you’re shooting with a lot of other photographer’s it […]

Winston Salem, NC Anniversary Session – Haleigh & Kevin

Asheville, NC Anniversary Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

When I was a little girl, my mom got my brother a grey tabby kitten for his birthday. She became a staple in our family and though I’ll never know why, she wasn’t ever fixed. This resulted in multiple litters of kittens for years. So it’s pretty easy to see why I’m so smitten with […]

Mabloggyn – Furry Additions to our Family

I’m thankful to have so many great photog friends here in NC. They’re all so talented and savvy when it comes to their businesses. One such savvy girl is Megan Travis Photography! She put together this wonderful little shoot out for 20 local photographers. It’s always a little awkward shooting with so many people, but […]

Winston Salem, NC Anniversary Session – Leah & Justin

Asheville, NC Anniversary Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

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