

branding sessions

Branding & 

Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

  Over my 8 years as a wedding photographer, I’ve had a lot of people come to me asking for advice or just wanting to pick my brain. I have so much fun helping other photographers achieve their goals. I love investing and encouraging others and watching them fly. So since this is such a […]

Tip Tuesday – 4 Steps to choosing better images for your blog

4 Tips to choosing better images for you blog. Bride and groom kissing in the rain in Raleigh, NC. Mabyn Ludke Photography

One of the things I love most about my clients is their ability to “go with the flow.” I’ve witnessed many a wedding day incident. There’s been clients who’s parents accidentally left them at the hotel, the dress break an hour before the ceremony, and the most dangerous culprit to a wedding day, rain. However, […]

Duke Gardens Wedding Durham, NC – Julia & Drew

Sarah P. Duke Gardens Durham, NC Wedding Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

This past weekend was a rainy mess, but that didn’t stop Julia & Drew from getting married outside! Duke Garden’s in Raleigh, NC was stunning even with little puddles everywhere. I really can’t wait to share with you this wedding! There are so many EPIC moments! XOXOXO, Mabyn Julia & Drew’s Love Story

Duke Gardens Durham, NC Wedding – Julia & Drew Sneaks

Newly Weds kissing int he rain Duke Gardens Raleigh, NC Wedding Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

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