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Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

Sooooo, it’s the end of wedding season. Normally I’m up to the hilt in October weddings. Normally. This season has been anything BUT normal. So here we are in the middle of busy season and what do I get to do? Why PLAY! What’s that you say? Playing? How does a photographer play? Well, one […]

If you Give a Photographer a Camera… – Fun Sneak Peaks! – Syracuse, NY

Up until a couple of years ago, I had never been past Buffalo NY as far as going west in the USA. The east coast and I had become fast friends, but the rest of the country was an undiscovered adventure waiting to happen. Slowly but surely, wedding photography has brought me to places like […]

Calistoga Ranch Wedding – Liz & Steve

The first kiss is the official first step as a married couple. Liz & Steve had an amazing one complete with mountains and streamers! Mabyn Ludke Photography

The past two weddings I’ve shot have had some seriously epic skies! Alaina & Dustin had incredible clouds and the big dipper begged to have their photo taken with Lindsey & Chris! How could I refuse? These are some of my favorite sky pictures to date, I can’t wait to share the rest of these […]

The sky is full of love – Sneak Peeks – Greensboro, NC

The big dipper looked over Chris & Lindsey's shoulder as they shared a wedding kiss! Photo by Mabyn Ludke Photography

Cazenovia is a romantic little town.  Though I grew up near there, did theatre there, and even cleaned those big romantic houses as a teenager, I had yet to shoot a wedding right in the village. Cazenovia (or Caz) has this feeling of being hidden away from the rest of the world, stuck in time and […]

Lincklaen House Wedding – Jocelyn & Bryan

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