
& Biz


Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

This past weekend was a Buyck extravaganza! I flew up to NY to shoot not one Buyck brother, but two! I have yet to shoot two siblings in the same wedding season let alone two in the same weekend! Brian & Jocelyn were married on Friday and in just a few short weeks Corey & Katie […]

Brotherly Sneak Peeks! – Greensboro, NC

Funny Wedding Silhouette Portrait in Cazenovia NY

I’m up in NY again, just about to pack my bag to head back home to NC. This past weekend was the summer solstace, the longest weekend in the year. I made the most of it by shooting a gorgeous wedding & an adorable family session. So many goodies to edit when I get home! […]

Summer is Here! Sneak Peeks – Greensboro, NC

Raleigh, NC Wedding Portrait Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

This week I got to do several sessions that have all been post poned for one reason or another. Weather, health, etc…and I was able to schedule them all fairly close together. I’m really excited about these photos and I can’t wait to share all of the beautiful stories that come along with them! XOXOXO, Mabyn […]

A Little Bit of Everything – Sneak Peeks

Kernersville, NC Family & Portrait Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

I haven’t kept it secret, moving your business to a new location is hard. I’m pretty much starting from scratch with 6 years of wedding experience under my belt. I could pretend everything is sunshine and roses and that my wedding season is booked solid, but what does that do for anybody? Maybe, just maybe […]

Christina & Erik’s Love Story – Kernersville, NC

Dewbwerry Farm Kernersville, NC Wedding Photographer Mabyn Ludke Photography

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