

branding sessions

Branding & 

Welcome friend! I'm Mabyn a creative obsessed with helping women shine bright! Get ready because this blog is full of incredible female entrepreneurs, branding, and business tips to help your business thrive!

I was standing in a dark parking lot half elated half terrified with what I was about to do. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty, and I was questioning myself even as the words came tumbling out of my mouth, “So…You want to do this again?” The awkward pause that followed felt like […]

How to Beat Insecurity & START!

What is an Engagement Session? One of my favorite parts of the whole wedding photography experience is our engagement sessions! It’s good quality time that we crave with our clients. It’s a session prior to your wedding that allows us to see how you interact. We also learn about your hopes, dreams, and desires, and […]

How to Create your Dream Engagement Session

I still remember my mother caressing my hair as I sobbed on the floor of her tiny sewing room. My dress didn’t fit, she didn’t know how to fix it, and it was 2 weeks away from my wedding! How was I suppose to get married without a wedding dress? It wasn’t just the dress […]

4 Tips for a Stress Free Wedding Day!

There are so many articles out there on how to choose the right photographer for you. They tell you to ask questions like “What gear do you use?” “Do you shoot in RAW?” “What’s your preferred style?” “Do you backup my photos?” and many more. Granted, all are valid questions and your photographer SHOULD have […]

Real Questions to Ask your Wedding Photographer

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